Saturday, September 13, 2008

Snake follow-up

You know, now that I've had time to reflect, I feel a little sorry for Chuck. Think about it. If he lived with Sara Palin, he wouldn't have been bothered about something as trivial as a rattlesnake.

She probably would have killed it with her bare hands, skinned it with her teeth, and had it frying in a pan by the time he woke up.

News from Spring Branch

We are having way too much excitement around here, and it has
nothing to do with Ike.

I went out just before sunrise to open up the hen house and got
the shock of my life. As I opened the hatch/ramp, I heard the
awesome, heart-stopping sound of a rattlesnake. It was just light enough
to see that the snake was about 10 inches from my hand.

I froze. That's what one does.

Once I could see that the snake was moving away from me, I flew
(no, really, feet didn't touch the ground) back to the house, pounded
on the master bedroom door, and shouted, "Chuck, there's a rattlesnake
out here!"

Rude awakening.

By the time we got back out there with a hoe, the snake, all 5-6
feet of it, was moving slowly toward the back of the hen house. Chuck
tried to hit it with the hoe, but missed, and the snake picked up the
pace and secreted itself under some piles of fencing near the back.

He's in now putting on some boots, ready to go flush it out.
Yikes. It's funny how complacent we get. Eight years without a trace of
a venomous snake, and we forget how dangerous nature can be.

Time to get a guinea hen.

Hope you are all well and safe.

Love from Spring Branch,


Friday, September 12, 2008

Dixie Chick

Hi, all,

So. I was driving down a 6-lane divided highway in Seguin this afternoon when I saw something odd. A young white chicken walking in tight circles. I stopped the car (luckily, nobody was coming), put it in park, started the emergency flashers, jumped out, grabbed the chicken, put her in the passenger-side footwell, and took off.

Oh, she was scrawny, filthy, and obviously ill. Once I was able to pull into a gas station, I put her in a box and gave her some water with a syringe until she was able to drink out of a sawed-off water bottle. That's when I noticed what was playing on the radio. Jim, you'll like this: it was "Dixie Chicken" by Little Feat.

We're guessing she fell off a poultry truck and has a head injury, but she may have some sort of neurological disease, so she's in quarantine in the laundry room for now.

If you're feeling sympathetic, please send a nice thought Dixie's way.

Love from Spring Branch,


P.S. Ike is probably not going to have a big impact here, but we are fretting a little about the Houston relatives, so send them nice thoughts as well.